Adding to the Flock!


Jun 13, 2022
I'm interested in adding Australorps, Plymouth Rocks, Easter Eggers, or Orpingtons into my flock.
What I'm looking for is a great laying hen (an egg a day preferred, but three/four times a week will also do) while still being docile and healthy as well. Which is why I'm not considering adding breeds like Leghorns (which are usually aggressive to both people and flockmates) or Brahmas (which are more of a meat bird than an egg layer, have shorter life spans and potentially more health problems).
I don't use my chickens for meat, so I'm not interested in any meat birds, but would like to up my egg production since my ladies are getting older and not laying like they used to.
Please share any advice/experience you've had with the birds I've listed above and if there are any other breeds you have in mind that are both friendly and good layers!
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Just look how fluffy and lavender-y 😂 I have four - two have smooth feathers and two have the shredded feather issue. Just something to think about.
I would say our EEs lay a slightly larger egg on average, I have two orpingtons that lay a smaller egg. Here are some from today and yesterday to compare, it’s not a huge difference in size.
I have an Easter egger, she’s a great blue egg layer, (an egg almost every day or every day) she’s incredibly calm, loves to be picked up, and enjoys petting a lot. So i would suggest Easter egger. Plymouth rocks are great, too though, and the rooster’s are great loveable flock protectors! My australorps are laidback, but do not usually tolerate petting. If you have a few older calm ladies, I would NOT suggest adding a Wyandotte. They are huge, and VERY SASSY, even when they’re not broody. (And they go broody fairly often.)
I have an Easter egger, she’s a great blue egg layer, (an egg almost every day or every day) she’s incredibly calm, loves to be picked up, and enjoys petting a lot. So i would suggest Easter egger. Plymouth rocks are great, too though, and the rooster’s are great loveable flock protectors! My australorps are laidback, but do not usually tolerate petting.
Awesome! All three sound great! How many eggs do your Australorps usually lay?
If you have a few older calm ladies, I would NOT suggest adding a Wyandotte. They are huge, and VERY SASSY, even when they’re not broody. (And they go broody fairly often.)
:lau Wow! I will remove them from the list then!
the Wyandotte and the Rhode Island Red are the problem causers in my flock, lol. The rest are calm and laidback as can be. Will your chickens be free range?
the Wyandotte and the Rhode Island Red are the problem causers in my flock, lol. The rest are calm and laidback as can be.
I totally agree with you on the Rhode Island Red. I have one, and she follows me everywhere pecking (hard) at my feet until I give her treats!
Will your chickens be free range?
I live in an urban environment, so there isn't too much space to let the hens roam, but I let them out of their runs to scratch around in my yard every day if it's warm enough.

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