Adorable Chicks Contest Ends August 31

Name: Charlotte
Breed: Aracauna
Age: A couple days old
category: curious chick
Details: she knows her grandmother!!
unfortunately she only lived to be 1 year and 1 month and will greatly be missed:hit

Name: Charlotte
Breed: Aracauna
Age: A couple days old
category: curious chick
Details: she knows her grandmother!!
unfortunately she only lived to be 1 year and 1 month and will greatly be missed:hit

name: not named yet
breed: millie fluer d'uccle x blk tail white jap
age: 3 weeks
category: meanest

details: she always looks like she wants to nip someone lol

name: not named yet
breed: millie fluer d'uccle x blk tail white jap
age: all 3 weeks
category: sleepy

details: it was nap time

name: precious
breed: light brahma
age: 1 week
category: funny

details: she was checking out BYC on the PC

name: Julius Caeser
breed: gray japanese
age: 3 days
category: cutest

details: this was the tiniest thing we ever hatched, and he was the only one
that survived out of 3.

name: Kestrel
breed: Delaware X
age: 6 weeks

details: He was always curious about everything, but
also very wary...he is now a very interesting looking
Chicken name: Dorris and Eleanor
Chicken Breed: White Silkie
Chicken age: 3 weeks
Category: Cutest
Details: They are 2 little ladies who love the camera. When they grow up they want to be super models like Heidi Klum and Cindy Crawford. Their hobbies include eating healthy, flapping their wings for exercise and getting their beauty rest.

Chicken name: Fluffys
Chicken Breed: Silkie
Chicken age: 3 weeks
Category: Funny
Details : She telling him something funny i guess

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