Advantages of different feeders?


8 Years
Apr 26, 2011
What feeder type do you like best and why? Hanging? Stationary? Sitting on the ground? Holds a lot? Holds a little?
i like to have a hanging feeder because the feed stays cleaner and i like a feeder that can hold a lot because u can put in a little but also have the choice of having a lot of feed in it.
I like mine hanging because my chickens like to scratch while they eat.

With the feeder hanging, they can scratch away at the floor all they want and there's no wasted food.


Right now using a hanging feeder & waterers on a chain, easy to adjust the height, and they can't scratch in the feed to
cause waste, or foul the water with shavings.


Keep it dry and you can put a fair amount in there. Also helpful to get one that you can see through (doesn't have to be completely clear) so you don't have to open it up to tell when you're about to run out.
It looks like you are all keeping the feed inside the coops then? I'm trying to find the best place to keep it both dry and easily accessible to me. I feel like if I put it in the run, it will get soaked. Right now, the girls eat under the coop, in the mini run that, once secured, will be more like a screened in porch to the coop.
Problem is, the access door is long but not tall. You can see some pics in my BYC page. I need new ones, it's more done now....
main thing is that it holds a lot. We have one feeder that holds a 50lb bag Love it! it is made to hang and we have it hanging now, but it works as a stationary one too. On days that it is really hot I sometimes will take it out of the coop and sit it under a tree or soething.

heres a pic

for the pullets they just get some scooped out onto the ground and in random cookie sheets/pans they would cause a person to go broke if they had free choice feed!

I also use this feeder for feed- it is a piglet feeder:

(this pic was before I fixed it- it had a small hole in the bottom and caused feed to spill out on the ground. I replaced the bottom with an old liscense plate


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