Adventures of the Flock


Premium Feather Member
Sep 29, 2023
I have no idea if this the right section to post this in, but it'll be ok in the end I'm sure XD

Not much going on today. All still sad over the loss of our handsome Polish roos, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and our sweet Naked Neck, Aethelstan. Rainy day, about 65 ℉ and humid. Not much drama. Had to help a half-blind girl down from the roost (again) and got a little involved in some rooster drama. Chickens staying in their run today because of fox+hawk problems.

Slow day again today. Lots of eggs though. Amber, my vision-impaired girl, was getting bullied again, hiding in the nest box. Quite the drama, too. Annabeth, Astrid, Curious, Hazel, Pillie, Beetle, and Beets are all shuttling around four nest boxes, because heaven forbid they use the boxes on the bottom or the ones near the window! Giant mess on the floor, as the hens have been flicking feed out of the feeder constantly lately.
Ultimate fail on the post-every-day thing. Sorry!


Pretty early to be posting, but such hilarity today!!
At around 9 in the morning, the family is eating breakfast when my mother looks out the window and notices a gorgeous Barred Rock rooster just chilling in our front yard. He had run across a cornfield from our nearest neighbors house, because apparently he was a bit of a scaredy-cat and there was a fox on the loose. Sadly, several of their chickens had been caught, and the Barred Rock was taking refuge at our house. We didn't know whose he was, and were falling in love fast. My younger brother nicknamed him Blueberry, and he was ours for about an hour and a half until we managed to get a hold of the neighbors. He was definitely theirs (his real name was Dave) and as soon as he was released back into his flock, his 'big brother' came over to give him a not-so-warm welcome... Sibling Rivalry! One hen came over to welcome him back and console him over the deaths of his hens... :(
On a separate note, I do believe that Blueberry/Dave sparked a large case of showboating in the coop. Both Polish roosters (HeiHei and Frank) have been locked in a nonstop crowing competition since Blueberry/Dave left.

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