Advice for First Time slaughter

Serama Newbee

In the Brooder
8 Years
May 12, 2011
Unincorporated Rockford
Hey guys, I'm going to be getting rid of a few of my extra cockerels, and was thinking of using them for meat. They are Ameraucanas. Are they okay birds for meat? What ages are best for slaughter? Any other advice you all could give me would be greatly appreciated!

We just grilled up a plack polish cockerel last nIght. He was three months old and was small but tasty! I let him sit in the fridge for 5 days.
I just let my cockrels run around, yes.
Also, I eat my spent hens, but I just skin them and put them right into a pot of water to poach them and make soup or taco meat.
I think the idea with the cockrels is to eat them when they are first starting to crow and they won't be tough. And age the meat a few days. When I was a beginner (i mean, more of a beginner) i tried to eat one that was in rigor!

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