Advice for grieving duck


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2022
I live on a lake in VA and the whole neighborhood watched over a pair of companion ducks who were regulars here for 5 years. One was a male Pekin and the other a black and white large-bodied duck with blue eyes whose breed and sex we aren’t sure of. I think both of the ducks were male based on their similar low key quacks and the Pekin’s curly tail feather, and because they never produced babies in 5 years. The Pekin was attacked by a construction worker’s dog a few weeks ago and managed to escape, but died a couple of days later with his mate by his side. Now our black and white duck, Smudge, is mourning and lonely. He’s gone quiet and is more skittish, and has also developed red rings around its eyes that look like the feathers are thinning. I would like to find another Pekin for Smudge but since it isn’t a totally tame duck with a yard or a coop I can’t do any sort of structured introduction. Any advice on what to do? Should I get another male Pekin? Where can I find a duck to regime? I am also wondering if anyone can identify the breed, or suggest the problem with the red rings around Smudge’s eyes. Sweet Smudge is heartbroken and so am I.


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I'm very sorry for your and smudge's loss.

I have to agree with Fatty... It really doesn't feel kind to allow domestic ducks to live on a lake. You've seen what happens when they don't have protection. Ground and air predators are a real threat. Maybe you could build a coop and aviary in your yard - and then get a friend for smudge.

I don't see a drake feather, so perhaps smudge is female. In that case a female friend will likely be best. You might need to post a video of smudge quacking for better identification.
I appreciate this sentiment, but Smudge is not my duck to capture or rehome. He is wild. He appeared in our lake neighborhood alone several years ago, was tame enough to be around humans and accept food, but he could not be pet or touched. He disappeared after a while and reappeared maybe 6 months later with the Pekin in tow, who also was friendly and could be fed, but not touched or pet. They were together and inseparable for 4 or 5 years. The Pekin could only fly a short distance, pretty low, but Smudge can fly like a wild duck, despite the large body. I saw Smudge flying after 2 wild ducks at sunset a few nights ago. One of the neighbors has seen this behavior also. So Smudge is trying to make new friends, but so far no luck.
I appreciate this sentiment, but Smudge is not my duck to capture or rehome. He is wild. He appeared in our lake neighborhood alone several years ago, was tame enough to be around humans and accept food, but he could not be pet or touched. He disappeared after a while and reappeared maybe 6 months later with the Pekin in tow, who also was friendly and could be fed, but not touched or pet. They were together and inseparable for 4 or 5 years. The Pekin could only fly a short distance, pretty low, but Smudge can fly like a wild duck, despite the large body. I saw Smudge flying after 2 wild ducks at sunset a few nights ago. One of the neighbors has seen this behavior also. So Smudge is trying to make new friends, but so far no luck.
he is not wild. he is a domestic breed who was dumped. rehoming him would be best. if you release another duck that is illegal and considered animal cruelty.
@JBVA both smudge and the deceased pekin are domestic ducks. They did surprisingly well to survive as long as they did without care [food] and safety by way of a secure coop. As smudge can fly, he has a better chance of further survival than the Pekin had. Let him make new wild duck friends--you have observed him trying. But pleae don't think of releasing another domestic duck onto the lake to keep smudge company. That would be wrong: cruel to the duck, and illegal

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