Advice needed for duck daily feeding


Apr 24, 2021
My husband works from home and takes care of the feeding and watering of our ducks, but he's having severe back pain and can hardly walk. I need advice on feeders or ways to get them fresh water and food during the day.
If your current duck house and run are suitable, I'm a big proponent of "automatic dog watering bowls" or better yet, "stock tank switches" attached to either a rainwater collection system or a household water service. The thing about ducks, as you know, is that they will rapidly foul any water source, so the deeper the bowl, the better - less frequent cleaning.

and feeder design relies, in part, on feed design. PVC J feeders really need pellets to work best. I assume the same is largely true of the elbow bucket feeders - but both are capable of storing a significant amount of feed to dispense over time.
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Kiddie pools are relatively cheap. We use a couple in our ducks pen for when they do not free range. Any thing that holds food and they can put their bill in works for feed.

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