Advice needed for my chick


Crossing the Road
Apr 4, 2017
Sandusky Ohio
I have an 8 week old frizzle chick who keeps opening her mouth and stretching out her neck. She also opens her been constantly almost like she has something stuck in her throat or is having trouble breathing. Other than that she seems fine
What are you feeding her?
Do you have a video of her actions?

If you are giving anything else besides chick starter do you provide a source of poultry grit (crushed granite, small rocks/pebbles).

Look inside her beak to see if she has any food stuck inside or if there are any plaques/lesion inside the beak. Watch to see if she is drinking well.

Some birds when they overeat, stretch the neck to adjust the crop. Check her crop at bedtime to see that it's full, then first thing in the morning - it should be flat or empty, just to make sure she doesn't have a crop issue.

Offer her wet feed for a few days to see if she starts to improve. Keep us posted.
She is on chick starter and has access to grit. I fed her some wet feed and yogurt and made some honey water which she really enjoyed. She seems fine now. Thank you for the advice.

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