Advice needed on incubators

I personally feel that there should be a law that limits the number of 5 year olds in any one place to 1-2, but it is my Mrs. calling in life to teach the little curtain climbers! LOL!! (I can't imagine being able to handle 25-26 of them at a time! Lordy, the thought of that many together scares the devil right out of me !!!LOL!
Cat....I thought of that, but couldn't figure a way to mount the thermostat and the light bulb to the glass. Also, it had to be big enough for any auto turner so that she didn't have to turn all the eggs each day. On the weekends, she would have to drive about 20 miles each way several times just to turn them each day. Not really practical that way. Plus, my buddy the glass man is using scraps that he has to build the first one for us. If another is needed later, well, I guess someone will have to cough up the $$$$$$.
Around here most of the teachers use a Lyon tx6. A little pricey but you can find them on ebay and they give the kids a good view of the hatching chicks.
Dick, I sat my kiddlies around the big table today and just showed them the Octagon 20 - every 6 year old could easily see inside the window. Yay! Almost the entire front of the Octagon is clear. There would be no way they could see into my Little Giant! I plan to use a large aquarium for the brooder. THAT'LL give them a thrill. Little Puddle-Ducks in stereo!

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