Advice needed quite quickly!


May 12, 2020
So I have an off situation! My buff Orpington got broody as my silkie has been having his way with her - the size difference is hilarious but they’ve managed it! So she sat on three eggs, one was a quitter, one a yolker and one went full but didn’t hatch. After what I worked out to be four weeks of her sitting on it I removed it and cracked it to do the egg autopsy only to discover a fully formed, live chick! So panic stations, I made a tiny hole where it’s beak was, rushed to my neighbours and stuck it in their incubator. Three days on it’s still breathing and moving and today is chirping and looking like it wants to hatch. So if by some miracle it does, and survives the first couple of days, can I put it back under my broody buff (she’s still in the nesting box thinking she’s still sat on it) or will she reject it? The other option is leave it in a brooder and wait two weeks until the neighbours eggs hatch and put it in with them.
opinions please??!!!

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