Advice Needed - Treat for Impacted Crop?


9 Years
Dec 29, 2014
Salt Lake City, UT
My Coop
My Coop
I have a black australorp hen who is about 1 year and 3 months. This past Sunday evening, I noticed her just standing in one place at times with her eyes closed while the others scratched around. She kept doing this on and off. Her feathers weren't ruffled, just looked like she was napping in place. I noticed a little bit of runny poop on her butt feathers and noticed that her poop was a little smaller and more wet/oily. The next morning, she was doing the same and I also noticed her crop felt like it hadn't completely emptied during the night. It wasn't huge by any means, but didn't feel completely empty. I took her into the vet that afternoon and of course there wasn't anything that was obviously wrong without doing a bunch of extra tests. She was not egg bound. I pointed out her crop to the vet, but he didn't think it was that big, or anything to worry about. The vet gave me the antibiotic Trimethyl Sulfate to give to her in hopes that would take care of whatever it may be. She seems to be more energetic and is scratching around with the others; however, I still notice in the mornings that her crop feels a little full compared to the others. She is still pooping some, but it definitely isn't her normal poops. This morning while checking their poop under their roosting bar, I noticed that she had laid a really soft shelled egg that was broken on the floor. She has been wormed recently and is drinking and eating on her own. Should I go ahead and try to treat her for an impacted crop by using the plain/non-stimulant Dulcolax? I have read @TwoCrows article on treating an impacted crop. Is this okay while on antibiotics? I wouldn't see why not, but not 100% sure. Any advice on what I should be doing would be greatly appreciated!
Is the crop soft and squishy in the morning or is it hard?

If it is soft and squishy, she could be developing a yeast infection in her crop. To which you might start her on some vaginal cream 3 times a day. If there is not a lot of gunk in her crop in the morning, I wouldn't do any vomiting. Only if she seems to be retaining all of yesterdays food and water.

If the crop is hard, how big is this ball? If it is very small, you might start her on the dulcolax twice a day but you can let her eat layer feed only. No hard foods or free ranging. If this ball is really large, you might withhold all food for today with water only and the dulcolax and see if the ball is smaller tomorrow morning.
Her crop feels hard, not squishy. I would say it's about the size of a golfball...maybe a little larger? The vet did feel it the day I took her in and didn't seemed too concerned about and just said it felt like she had some grains in there. The next morning, it still felt not normal to me, so I did call the vet back and he said that as long as she is pooping and it's not a huge mass, then I should just watch it. I just don't want it to get to that point. I feel their crops every morning, so I do know what is normal for them and what is not. She isn't pooping as much, but still going. I guess I'll go and pick up some dulcolax and try that twice a day and see what happens. Thanks for your help!!
I think you should start on the dulculax too. Nip this in the bud. Don't let her eat any hard foods what so ever. Layer feed only. I would give her one now and one before bed time. Make sure she has plenty of access to water as these pills don't work without plenty of water. Offer her up some watermelon if you have it. It is all water and will help get the pills working. She may have a gizzard impaction. Then give her one in tomorrow morning and then another tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully the following day this mass has moved through.

And great that you check crops every morning!! I do too and this is a great way to catch small issues before they become life threatening.

Great! Keep us posted! :)
Her crop feels hard, not squishy. I would say it's about the size of a golfball...maybe a little larger? The vet did feel it the day I took her in and didn't seemed too concerned about and just said it felt like she had some grains in there. The next morning, it still felt not normal to me, so I did call the vet back and he said that as long as she is pooping and it's not a huge mass, then I should just watch it. I just don't want it to get to that point. I feel their crops every morning, so I do know what is normal for them and what is not. She isn't pooping as much, but still going. I guess I'll go and pick up some dulcolax and try that twice a day and see what happens. Thanks for your help!!
Can you post a picture of her poop?

I think you should start on the dulculax too. Nip this in the bud. Don't let her eat any hard foods what so ever. Layer feed only. I would give her one now and one before bed time. Make sure she has plenty of access to water as these pills don't work without plenty of water. Offer her up some watermelon if you have it. It is all water and will help get the pills working. She may have a gizzard impaction. Then give her one in tomorrow morning and then another tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully the following day this mass has moved through.

And great that you check crops every morning!! I do too and this is a great way to catch small issues before they become life threatening.

Great! Keep us posted! :)

Got it. I'm going to go and pick some up after work. I'm so confused as to what this could be related to. She was perfectly fine ll day Sunday....laid her egg as normal and then that evening, just like that I noticed her acting all weird. I've always considered her to be one of the stronger, healthier birds. Felt good and strong, consistently a good layer, strong shells, and I've always said that she had picture perfect poop. lol. So, I'm totally at a loss as to what's going on. Hopefully, treating her with the antibiotics and the dulcolax will take care of everything.

I've learned the importance of all that from byc. :)

I will keep you posted! Thanks again for all your help!
FWIW, I treat these types of impactions with water. Here, watch these videos:
Crop feeding videos

These are using a crop needle, not a plastic tube.

This one uses a tube like I use
Quote: Sometimes things slow down in the intestinal tract. Just like we humans can get indigestion. Does she free range at all? She may have eaten too much long grass one day. Occasionally I will feed my birds raisins. They go bonkers over them. But I have an older hen that all of a sudden is having a hard time moving them out of her crop and if I feed them raisins late in the day, (a very small amount to a lot of birds) this particular hen will have something still in her crop the next morning. Could be her age, maybe things don't process like they used to. The gizzard is a big muscle. If this muscle should become weak, things may not grind up as fast as when this muscle is strong and younger....don't know.

And some birds are prone to crop issues. Oh, I see this is an Aussie!! YES....BA's are prone to crop problems! I keep BA's too and I have had a few issues over my chicken keeping days with my Aussies and their crops. I don't know why they are more prone than other breeds. Just seems to be this way, especially hatchery BA's.

Keep us posted!

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