Advice on Getting My Ducks to Lay in the day?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
I have four female welsh harlequin ducks. They were born this May and all four of them started laying not too long ago. Thing is, they lay at night! It's odd, or at least to me, but the only problem I have is this leaves the eggs all poopy. Their hutch has no nesting boxes but during the day when they have free range, they are open to nesting boxes. I can't put a nesting box in their hutch because it would take up too much space. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone knew how to get these girls laying in the day? Thanks :)
Can you add extra bedding in the areas they choosing to lay? i get eggs in the AM but couldn't tell you if they laid them early before let out or overnight.. on occasion i have seen eggs in the afternoon.

Short of locking birds in or out of places i see no way to control when they lay.
I'm trying this corner, plastic bed thing. I'm going to see how it works. And I presume it's when it's dark because I let them out, most of the time, before the sun rises. Thanks though!
When mine lay, it is in the early morning.
Best thing to make them less poopy is to have bedding in there that you freshen up every day, but they are likely still going to be poopy, so wash with super hot water and a bit of soap.

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