advice on ordering more and selling the rest?


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
I finally got the approval from my husband to get one maybe 2 more ducklings. YAY. I am probably going to go with metzer's unless I can find them local (which no one seems to have). I want a black swedish. We a few months ago, I won the black duck contest with metzer and I have a $40 gift certificate. Since I only need two I was just going to do their small order, but I was then thinking about it and realized I would actually end up paying MORE then if I ordered their 10 duckling min. I have been trying to find someone to share an order with, but no one seems interested.

SO.. my question is, has anyone order more and sold the ones they didnt want, like on craigslit? I would be alittle worried I would get stuck with all 10.

Any advice or experience is very helpful.
Maybe someone would be interested in taking some of the 10 ducling order off your hands if they knew where you live????? I'd be interested if you lived in Missouri.
I am sorry I should have included that, I live in New Orleans.

The market just doesnt seem to be the same around here for ducks... but I could be wrong.
if the market isnt good i would just spend the extra and get just two. what happens when you cant sell the rest?
well... I really dont know if the market is bad, or if no one has them.

I have been looking and it seems the only ducks around for sale are pekins, and mallards. So i dont know if it is bad per say or if no one has breeding flocks. It could be a flop or a sucess. I work at a feed store, so that probably helps in my favor to get the word out.

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