Advice on quarantined birds needed


11 Years
Jul 1, 2011
Saco, Maine
Any insight from someone or multiple someones with more experience than I have would be so appreciated. I have three birds that I got about a month ago. I've had them in quarantine since. They had a protozoan of some kind, worms and mites. The poor little things were so skinny I could feel the sides of their breast bones:( The protozoan and the worms should be taken care of and the mites will be treated today. They have put on some weight, but aren't anywhere near where my birds are. Their breast bones are still pointy, but I can't feel the sides anymore. I'm a little worried their not gaining weigh quickly enough and they also seem to get cold very easily. I've been adding extra protein to help. Anything else I should do to help them out? I'm going to give them some probiotics in the next day or two they got their 2nd dose of wormer thurs. They haven't been able to get too much exercise because they get cold whenever I take them out. They've been getting out for a couple hours 2 or 3 times a week:(
I'm wondering if they're ready to go with the other birds after the mites are dealt with and how to I transition them to the colder environment without stressing them. The area they are in is about 45 degrees and I live in the N. East where it has gotten to the teens in the last couple of weeks. The coops has gotten to about 20.
I want them to be as healthy and happy as possible. It makes me so sad to think about the birds I had to leave there!
You'll need to re-treat for the mites in another week to ten days to get rid of the ones that hatch out. Treatment will get the living ones but won't kill the eggs.

From your description of them and where they came from, I'd still be a bit worried. It is probable that you have taken care of the problems, but I'd be worried that they might have something else that they are immune to but that they can infect your flock with. Flocks can become immune to things, especially if they are exposed at a young age, and never show symptoms no matter how long they are quarantined. Your flock may have something that could infect the newcomers. You just never know.

I'd be real tempted to pick a possible sacrificial member of your current flock and put her with the newcomers. See if she or they come down with something in the next ten days or so. Treat her for mites like the others. It's better to risk one bird than your entire flock.
Integrations in the winter are a nightmare. The new birds are going to have to be acclimated to the cold slowly since they are not in the best shape. Do you have an unheated space you can acclimate them in? You are going to need a heat lamp on them initially and then just keep moving it further and further away from them until they are comfortable in the unheated space without the lamp. Then you will need to do introductions which is challenging in the best circumstances, so doing it during the winter when they have limited space (due to snow and nasty weather) can be a trial for all involved.

I, personally, would not try to do integrations in the winter. I think I would set up house for them inside until spring. A nuisance? Yes, but the challenges of integrating birds this time of year are many and varied. I would hate to see you do all this work on these birds only to have the flock damage them by trying to force integrations too quickly. By spring they should be in better body condition, and more able to fend for themselves in an already established flock. They are going to have a tough time of it anyways, so making sure they are in their best form would be a key consideration in making the transition into a flock.

It sounds like you are doing a great job in caring for these new birds. The only thing I might recommend is some PoultryDrench added to their water. It is just chicken vitamins, which will aid in building the birds up. You can't go wrong with it if you mix it as recommended. It's great stuff.

Good luck with them.
I am not for sure but will move you back up.
I think you need to get them out for longer. Add a heat lamp so they can kind of monitor what they need., moving closer as needed. That is what I would recommend.
Thanks! That's what I was worried about CMV, that they wouldn't be in good enough shape to handle the integration. I'm so worried about the little girls! They're Brahmas and being mixed with other Brahmas so I"m hoping that the breed being as laid back as it is will make the whole thing a bit easier. You said the challenges are many and varied, are there other issues I should be thinking about beyond bird relations when it comes to the integration?

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