Advice on sick hen - (Non-urgent but still an issue)

Sorry that I have missed the last few posts until now. Have had some family business to take care of. It sounds like you are doing everything possible for her. It is hard to believe that she is still able to lay an egg, being so ill. They are stoic and just strive to live as long as they can get around. Let us know how she is getting along.
You’re doing so much for her ❤️
Thanks. She is much worse today I'm afraid. Yesterday I smelled that awful smell and feel I am now dealing with sour crop. I started garlic water yesterday but today she is just sitting eyes closed in the crate and seems much less aware. Should I go get monistat or is it really too late?
Well, I think I answered my own question. She's basically non-responsive unless I touch her - and even then her eyes only open briefly. I can't get her to drink water at all. I've made her as comfortable as I can, with a soft blanket and a warm dark crate.
Alice passed away tonight. She let out a softy cry and then slumped. I patted her and she let out her last breath.
It's been really horrible to try so hard, to try so many things, and not be able to give her any relief at all.
So very sad tonight. But I've got 8 healthy chicks in my brooder and 8 lovable hens in the coop and tomorrow is another day.

@Goosebaby @Eggcessive
Thanks ever so much to both of you for you help and caring.
I’m so sorry she passed, my internet was down so I didn’t see this until now. Don’t think that you didn’t help her, you took care of her and continued to keep her comfortable, she knows she was loved.

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