Well, vet called this morning.... Fecal test came back negative for worms and gram stain was inconclusive.... The antibiotic will cover any infection for now.... The vet said that with production chickens any and all bad genetics will be passed down (from hatcheries). Reputable breeders or "mutt" type chickens are best ....again, her opinion as a vet and one who has chickens herself. A good / healthy Rooster should live 12-14 plus years!!!!

I paid $3.00 for my Franky and I will pay anything to keep him happy and healthy! I'm trying to give him the best life possible
. I will let you know how this turns out. Thank you
4 days on antibiotics, and my Rooster is standing, crowing and eating more each day!!!! I'm really starting to think that breaking his beak started this downhill tailspin into a weakened immune system inspite of my efforts to hand feed, deep dish access for food and ACV / Garlic in water.
Whatever, he looks like he is turning a corner and about 70% better

Feeling grateful
It seems I was wrong :(
Vet switched out his Meds (after 7 days on Metronitozole) to baytril (pill), on this day 3 with NO improvement .... He's actually doing worse

The only thing we haven't done is have a X-ray ... should I try worming even though the fecal came back Negitive?

This is torture
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Oh, how awful. I sure hope he will get better.
Do you an idea of what is wrong with him.?
Thank you.
I just buried my rooster Franky

It happened so fast! He was jerking his head, fell limp, let out a big sigh and was gone - I never saw anything like it before

To your question; early May was last worm.
Something must have been going on internally with him.... He hasn't been 100%, I been noticing.... but he was able to hide a lot and it didn't (what ever it was) show its ugly head until about a month ago.

Ironically, I had a buff go broody in the middle of June with 5 of his offspring. It's like he whispered in her ear and said I'm not feeling well.... She's such a good mom and his babies are 3 weeks old tomorrow! I believe I have a least 1 Rooster, possibly 2. I will name them after him in some fashion (Franky Jr., Francine, etc.).

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