
ha-I didn't even notice the OP was picking up MEAT chicks. So yeah, calcium would be wasted on them. When I raised broilers (they were cornish cross) I just kept a light on them 24/7 and food and water ready. Fed broiler starter for about 2 weeks and then grower until they were big enough to process (maybe 6-8 weeks). I guess the guidelines have changed in the last 20 yrs. I did have a few that had bad legs but overall not too bad. I never used newspaper (I usually had 100 chicks at a time and they were kept in an outdoor shed) but I would guess it's a bad idea for chicks that are already susceptible to getting funky legs.
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sorry if this is a silly question but I am really new at this. When you say 6 hour feedings do you remove the food after 6 hours? You give them finisher about 2 or 3 weeks before processing?

And a big thank you again to everyone
Haha, oops. Sorry! Didn't think of that

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