Aerial Threats to Quail


Aug 3, 2015
I live in the UK, so we dont have a huge selection of aerial predators but I do have buzzards, though few and far between and my new coop and run, roughly 5m sqaured is covered by a huge tree.

However I will no doubt get the attention of local crows, we have jackdaws and grey crow, thankfully no rooks which are very smart birds. I know they will likely want the food but quail arent so big and Im guessing will be easy pickings, can I rely that theyll run or what deterants can I put up?

Does the old cd really work for long? I have the food left in the house, so they will have to risk going inside and may be cautious.

Any other tips greatly welcomed

Edit: They are in a 110cm high electric netting, which definitely gives off a bang!
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I have them clipped, but I know this isnt a long term solution. The area is quite big so wondering what best way to hang the netting is all, definitely is a concern, I had contemplated putting a wire run out so only they could get in and out and hopefully be smart enough to run to for cover.

Would having chickens and a rooster deter other birds? What then would quail and hens get on like?
I have them clipped, but I know this isnt a long term solution.  The area is quite big so wondering what best way to hang the netting is all, definitely is a concern, I had contemplated putting a wire run out so only they could get in and out and hopefully be smart enough to run to for cover.

Would having chickens and a rooster deter other birds?  What then would quail and hens get on like?

Chickens will kill your quail if together!
Also read about the disease risk so the quail were set free! Now I have 4 hens and a rooster, all la bresse
Yes on the bird netting, it will keep out pest/predator birds and keep quail in. No to chickens and quail together. Chickens can give quail deadly diseases that the chickens themselves are immune to.
Boy quail are now all running free, was that or the pot. All happy and dander in about the plot keeping the bugs out of my potatoes and raspberries! Do have am area away from the chickens I leave food jus incase

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