After 2 long months the coop is done and I just have to show it off.

Dang, my husband so needs to get off the computer and get out back and build me one of those!
Yea I have to agree with all the others that you have created one hell of a nice coop. Awesome placement on the slope, the boxes, the porch, everything is very nice! Such a beautiful design! It makes me look forward to land ownership lol.
Any luck getting the scanner to work? I would love to build one of those feeders! I guess most folks could just look at it and figure out how to make it- but not me. I need instructions! You have built a truly awesome coop, you should be very proud of yourself. I'm still struggling along converting my 5x8 storage box into a coop. It's been a month now, and I'm still not done. But it is coming along... with no instructions!
Very very nice!

I see the top of your run is covered with wire but I don't see any support in the middle. How did you keep it from sagging and what kind of wire did you use?

I love the feeder, the deck well heck, the whole thing, but some points are extra great!
Any luck getting the scanner to work? I would love to build one of those feeders! I guess most folks could just look at it and figure out how to make it- but not me. I need instructions! You have built a truly awesome coop, you should be very proud of yourself. I'm still struggling along converting my 5x8 storage box into a coop. It's been a month now, and I'm still not done. But it is coming along... with no instructions!

I've had several requests about the feeder. I'm going to make it a priority this morning to try to get something on my page with dimensions and design. I pretty much built it from memory from 40 years ago when my dad raised pigs and he used the old metal hog feeders. Mine is a mini version with a few modifications. The secret is the angle of the exterior walls and the V wedge inside and the 1/2 - 3/4" opening at the bottom.
I used welded fence wire intended for livestock, it's strong and sturdy. I got it in 5' widths and have treated 2 X 4s every 5' to tack it to. Even though I don't like doing it, it's strong enough for me to walk(crawl actually) from one end to the other on top of it. When I was a kid all we used was wire poultry netting but I remember when large predators found the chicken coop we'd lose them all within a month.
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This is the most beautiful, rustic and practical coop I have ever seen. You did such as fabulous job. I only started out with 6 chickens and built a small house. Now I have three small houses. I will definitely be looking for someone who needs and old fence to tear down, someone who needs cedar trees cut down and then use my three little coops and make one like you have. I think it is absolutely beautiful and I really appreciate the details of the post you made. It would be very easy for someone to use it as a how-to-build-a-coop. Thanks!!!

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