After battling city hall since MAY, the final vote is Wednesday!

Thanks for the info and especially the pic, verthandi! So your birds don't step on the droppings board and track the poop around? It certainly would be easier WITHOUT the wire screen over it.... maybe keeping the roosts low over the board discourages them walking there?

Anyone else have any advice on droppings boards, droppings pits?

I'm pulling for you too...How did the vote go?
I bet those baby chickies will bring your little one some serious happiness. NOT to mention you campaign to get them is something she will never forget....good lessons learned in this!
They do use the drop board to hop up or down from the roost, but most of the droppings are directly underneath the place that they roost. This leaves an edge that they can use that is fairly "poop" free.

Sometimes I used hay or shavings on the drop board, but if it is kept scraped off every day or so it really don't need any bedding. 12 full size polish share this roost.

I have this boxed in with plastic netting 1inch holes over the top (some of them walk on it) there is a board on the other side I take off when clean underneath

I have sprayed bleach and water over top when I clean out the bottom!

I have had sand, pine shaving & straw in bottom (each at different times)

I am waiting with everyone else!!!
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