After battling city hall since MAY, the final vote is Wednesday!

How could anyone say "no" to this little doll?!


I'm s-o-o happy it's confirmed!
Hi everyone!!!!

I'm so sorry its taken so long to get on line here.... timing couldn't be worse for this vote as my Dad is getting married this weekend and we're in the middle of all that family/wedding stuff as well. So we've been busy---

But, YES! It passed!!!!!!!! We couldn't believe it got 7 (unanimous) votes. The two councilors who had been strongly opposed voted yes. One because he got to add a part that restricts the # of permits the first year to 20 (so they can assess how it's going before issuing more) and the other one went on the record saying she was against, it but still voted with the rest of the council, for some reason.

Unfortunately, ordinances take 20 days to go into affect, so we have to wait until the 25th to get our permit. But we've waited all summer anyway!

Olivia is thrilled and very proud. She worked so hard on this. I'm so glad the outcome was positive, its such a great lesson that you really CAN make a difference. it's also been so cool to see the community involvement on this issue. Several councilors remarked that they NEVER see that kind of public attendance at meetings, even on big budget issues! Very cool.

The Press Herald (newspaper) called and will be speaking to Olivia when she gets home from school, so it'll be in the paper tomorrow, all you Mainers...

Thanks for all your support, everyone! I am sure we will have tons of questions for y'all after the 25th!

That's fantastic!!!! It just goes to show others that if you want something bad enough you have to fight for it!!! Glad things worked out for you!!! As for the one that voted for it but didnt want too... Is she up for re-election anytime soon???

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