Age at first molt?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 27, 2014
Central Iowa
It appears that some of my ladies which were born back in February are starting to molt. It is the correct time of year, but aren't they a little young? I check them often for mites and we just constructed and moved them into a brand new (huge) coop. We've started lighting it, but I'm wondering since there was a lag between starting the lights, if this stimulated the molting. Any advice is appreciated.
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Yes, it is pretty normal for hens of that age to molt at this time of year. Some hold out until they are 1 - 1 1/2 years old, but many molt in response to the changing daylight hours.

The lighting should help them molt faster, and discourage those that aren't molting from beginning. Lights do not stimulate molting unless they are so intense that they stress the birds out.
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Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

This is a pretty normal age for chickens to begin. I have some January hatch birds that started a molt a couple of weeks ago. Generally, birds start their first molt around a year, though this can vary. The earliest I've had a bird molt is about 8 months.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I agree with Liz here, usually they don't molt until the following fall or around 1 1/2 years of age. They have already molted 7 or 8 times as chicks and keep this last set of feathers until the next fall. I would definitely post this in the Behavior and Egg Laying forums for more input. It is possible as BantamLover and Wyandottes that they are indeed responding to the conditions and light, but generally they should be keeping their feathers on at this age.

Good luck and I hope you can get some answers soon!

Edit to add: If they ran out of water for a long period of time they can be thrown into a molt. If they became extremely stressed for any reason, this too can throw them into a molt. And if you moved them from somewhere or into a much darker coop with a lot less light, this too can send them into a molt.
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They were actually moved into a much brighter coop. I'm wondering since the days are so much shorter and we've had a wide range of temps if that did it. We just put them on the light about a week ago. I'll cross post this and see what I get! Thanks!

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