age of chickens


12 Years
Aug 19, 2007
is there any way to tell how old a chicken is??? I saved them as adults, so I have no idea how old they are and I was wondering this after reading a couple of threads about how long they live. It's great that they live a while, if nothing goes wrong, but I don't know how long that'll be since I don't know the ages of mine.
I rescued them from my neighbor who was a truck driver and lost his home. They were in nasty conditions and even drove over there to take care of them when he wasn't home because I felt sorry for them. They could go weeks with out changing the water or anything! And there were about 40 in a small coop. They had a run, but I soon found out that when he was gone, they never got out. No windows in the coop either. It was aweful!!! I would feed them, change their water and let them out daily. When his place was foreclosed on, he wouldn't give them to me at first. But finally when no one else would "buy" them from him because of thier conditions ( they looked terrible) he finally gave in because his time ran out to move out.

They are Ameraucanas and a few are Wyndottes. He said he raised chickens, but I have no idea for how long or how long he lived on his property. I think for 10 years or more.

Yes they are laying, in fact I was getting 2 or 3 dozen eggs a day when they were his. But now only 6 to 10 eggs a day. But I only have 15 adult hens now. Some died, and I found a nice lady to take some from me. I'll post some pics soon, let me upload them into my photobucket.
I don't think these pics are good enough for you to tell their ages, but here's a few. Now that they are more friendly to me, I'll try to get some closer one's tomorrow when they wake up. I can't hold them, only one will let me do that and only because she's broody right now. So I'll get as close as I can

Wyndotte roo- Big Red

Wyndotte girlfriend - Henny Penny

Wyndotte girlfriend - Red Mama

Ameraucana girlfriend - Gimpy

I don't think this one is good enough to tell, but.......

You've done a great job with them. Red Momma is beautiful and Big Red will be quite a looker when his feathers grow back!!! BLRWs are one of my favorites.
I doubt they are more than a couple years old.
Rain??? what's that???? we are drying up down here!!! send it my wayyyyyyy! They are saying the lake may run out of water and there may not be enough for a winter supply of drinkng water!!

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