Age of Chicks-outside


11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Greenwood, Arkansas
How old do the young chicks need to be to go outside? I will have them in a covered secure pen w/a heat bulb.
The temps here are 80/58-60night.
Thanks for any imput.
I sure don't want to do anything to harm them.
I don't think it really matters as long as they are kept warm. I put my few day old babies on the porch in a box that is covered with a blanket at night, and has a light in it. I can't keep them inside for more than a few days, or they make me sick!! I have been lucky though, that usually I have a hen hatch either a few days before, or a few days after, so they don't stay in the box long. I have week old guineas in the box brooder right now, only cuz my hen with week old chicks has 18 already!! Don't think she can handle anymore. Heck, I don't know how she does it now. She is only about 4-5 inches tall. Good thing they have a 5 gal. bucket for a nest, with lots of warm straw to snuggle in!
they should be fine if they at least have wing feathers, there is no wind well i guess a little wouldnt hurt if they have somewhere to go that is warm. and make sure you have the heat lamp on 24/7 just in case.
Shellyd2008 I have a question for you. What symptoms do you get when the chicks make you sick? I ask because this is the second time I have had chicks in the house and both times now it seems like I have come down with a bad sinus infection. It starts out as a really bad sore throat, then nasal congestion, then it moves to my chest. I have thought for a couple of days now that it could be from the chicks. I told my husband that if it happens a third time I will know for sure.

I get pretty much the same symptoms. The first time I had a chick in the house, the symptoms went away after the chick went outside. This last time, tho, it turned into bronchitis, and I went to the dr. a week ago, and it still isn't gone! I don't get much of a sinus problem, it just starts like a head cold, then feels like a throat infection (really scratchy, always coughing), then it goes to my chest.
I would say that is probably your problem too.
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