Age to process Chanteclers


Brown Barns Farm
11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
near Albany, New York
I have some Chanties that are now 15 weeks old. Has anyone processed them before? Recommended age? Taste & texture? If they aren't a good meat bird I will unload them at the auction.

Being a Canuck, I want me some of those! From everything I've read they're an excellent cold-weather, dual-purpose bird. Good for meat or eggs. Not sure what age I'd process them by but I think it might be the scale that would help me make that decision.
I have Chanteclers ( I too am a Canuck). It would depend upon the strain you have. I have had some that would make a pigeon look fat and not worth processing at any age. I have another line that is does well at about 16-20 weeks and dress out at 4-6 lbs. I feed clabbered milk and that makes a big difference as well. I am crossing them with Cx this year and the results are very pleasing. Going to do it with another batch of Cx next year to get 2 lines going for a meat flock. The best ones of these crosses are reaching butchering size around 12-15 weeks. Not going to butcher the good ones tho' and will keep them for breeding. They look like they will ave. about 6 lbs dressed.

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