Aggression or just a weirdo?

Another option if you want to help your rooster learn to behave (and not just punish him with sticks and squirt bottles for displaying a natural behavior) is to continue picking him up, petting him, and allowing him to have positive loving human interactions. Aggression breeds aggression. So yes, be firm and say no when he rushes you, but also use his approach to pick him up (which is a kind way of showing dominance), carry him around while you do yard chores and check on your chickens, pet him until he falls asleep in your lap, etc.
Chickenball? Sorry, couldn't resist. :oops:
Consider reading @Beekissed and @Shadrach 's articles about managing roosters, and if you haven't been doing it, walk 'through' him out there, making him move out of your way at all times. I'd stop holding and petting him, or feeding him by hand. Concentrate on having him respect your space instead.
Maybe this will work out, and maybe not.
Hi Mary,
Holding and petting are actually ways to be simultaneously kind and show dominance, and to build a positive relationship, as is hand feeding. As with children and puppies, you don't reward aggressive or undesirable behavior with treats, but you absolutely reward good behavior.
Hi Mary,
Holding and petting are actually ways to be simultaneously kind and show dominance, and to build a positive relationship, as is hand feeding. As with children and puppies, you don't reward aggressive or undesirable behavior with treats, but you absolutely reward good behavior.

There are more than one ways to do this.
I'm sure @Folly's place has found success in her ways too.
My rooster, Meatball (5 months), has been doing a weird sideways run where he drops one wing and runs sideways towards the girls. I thought this was mating as that’s how it started out ending up. This morning though he did it to me and now I’m wondering if it’s aggressive behavior? Yesterday he was trying to sneak up behind me. He doesn’t like to be caught but if we can get to hold him, he loves to be petted and will fall asleep having his back scratched. We have kids so I won’t keep an aggressive rooster. Thanks!
I have a 5 month old rooster too and roosters tend to do a dance where they put thier wing out and sometimes stomp or go towards the hens seeing if they will mate with him, he even did the dance to me! 🤣
I'm not graceful enough to catch an attacking bird in the air! By the time the bird is caught, he's learned that being caught is related to what you are doing, and has nothing to do with his previous attack.
He's neither a child nor a puppy!
Speaking about puppies, reinforcement of a behavior must be within a few seconds, not even a couple of minutes later.
'Operant conditioning' is what it is; instant reinforcement of a behavior, often with a sound, then the actual reward can be slightly delayed. Unless, as with dogs, the sound (praise!) is the reward.
(Cats only work for food!)
Over many years, and cockerels and cock birds, I've tried it all, BTW.
I agree with Mary. My take is he is showing you he is dominant. I have had males do the dance for me and most haven't displayed any aggression. If they have been aggressive they don't last long here. I have tried many things with the males that have displayed some aggression but not anymore. They get processed. Good luck...
I have a roaster that was aggressive. He would come after me and my husband. Fortunately, one of his spurs got broken off and somehow the other came off to. After a few run ins, he came after me and I kicked him in the chest and he went over backwards and landed on his back. I thought he was dead, but he got up. Then a few days later I got a hold of him and walked around hold him by his legs.

Have to say since then, anytime he starts to dance and come near me, I look at him and say "no, you better not". Have to say for me, I have no problem with him. When I see him I say "hi Chucky". If he is on the roosts when I go into the hen house, I always go over and pet him and talk to him. All my chickens are free during the day, and locked up at night.
Couldn't think of a better way to describe it, but hey, if it gives the picture, it works! LOL!

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