Aggressive, Broody Hen

Hum I wonder if she has something else going on. Maybe she does not feel well either? You have a great broody box set up.

I am no expert but recently one of mine did that and I figured maybe she was egg bound. I gave her an Epsom salt bath- the egg came and she went back to living her life. ?? - but who knows with chickens.
I have 2 little kids who would be devastated. But I suppose we could make room for 2 more 🙄
An overcrowded flock is a recipe for disaster, anything faced spreads rapidly.. don't do it.. you already know it's not in the best interest of anyone, according to your description.

I had a Marans hen once.. who took more than 10 days to break.. which WAS breaking me.. as I hate to see them on that wire floor. After that, I have an open bottom pen.. essentially a small tractor.. and now my ladies who need to spend their day pacing the grass trying to figure a way out. Then let out for testing before roost time.. and into the wire bottom inside the coop for night time safety. Also note that my kennel is ALWAYS in a well lit high flock traffic area.. so the birds never face extra pecking order antics.. I think no privacy ALSO helps break the mood SOME.

Sounds like your girl may be starting to get closer to breaking.. be persistent.. and her outings will keep getting longer.

Depending on YOUR weather.. a wire bottom cage may not be enough.. Maybe you need an ice pack stuck underneath to help cool her down.. or a fan blowing on her? I'm NOT a fan of the cold water dunk... but wet feathers with a fan blowing in the shade MIGHT be an option.

Maybe make sure to wait for her to be broody to add fresh chicks in the future and let her raise them for you.. IF that's a good option for your family. :fl

I am no expert but recently one of mine did that and I figured maybe she was egg bound. I gave her an Epsom salt bath- the egg came and she went back to living her life. ?? - but who knows with chickens.
I'm no expert either but egg binding is usually deadly within 48 hours if not treated. Broody behavior and symptoms is MUCH different. A lot of folks know a lot of things.. when it comes to chickens.. I haven't met anyone who knows it all though. Glad we are able to brainstorm together and share our experiences! ;)
I broke a BA 3 weeks ago. She was easy to break but she didn’t lay for about a week. I have 6 identical hens. I have another one trying to go broody or maybe it’s the same girl. I can’t tell them apart. I don’t have a rooster either so there’s no reason to let her try. Frustrating...
A week or more to return to lay is completely normal.

Consider using colored leg bands or dropping a dot of different colored nail polish on their backs to tell them apart more easily. The polish will go away when the feathers molt out.. you can replace it as it happens to keep them straight. Not knowing who'e doing what IS my biggest frustration with breeding pure breeds. It was fun and easier to have a mixed flock. I could tell who laid what egg and if anyone was seeming off it was easy to know which one to check. Even without a rooster.. maybe different saddles.. wouldn't be MY choice as I think their hot, but brainstorming ideas to tell birds apart EASILY. :thumbsup

Is your guys's screen saying I am the OP of this thread.. A BYC glitch maybe? :pop
A week or more to return to lay is completely normal.

Consider using colored leg bands or dropping a dot of different colored nail polish on their backs to tell them apart more easily. The polish will go away when the feathers molt out.. you can replace it as it happens to keep them straight. Not knowing who'e doing what IS my biggest frustration with breeding pure breeds. It was fun and easier to have a mixed flock. I could tell who laid what egg and if anyone was seeming off it was easy to know which one to check. Even without a rooster.. maybe different saddles.. wouldn't be MY choice as I think their hot, but brainstorming ideas to tell birds apart EASILY. :thumbsup

Is your guys's screen saying I am the OP of this thread.. A BYC glitch maybe? :pop
Yes it does say you’re OP. Good advice too. After posting last night I immediately got on amazon and got some leg bands coming.

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