Aggressive chicken during molting


Nov 24, 2016
I'm new to this chicken thing. But I need some advice on normality.
My Meredith is going though a molt and when I was doing my chicken checks in their cage I decided it was a good idea to stroke her and to my surprise.. Got pecked.. Is agressive behavior normal for molting chickens?
Molting is stressful. and may also be uncomfortable. She just wants to be left alone until she is beautiful once again.
G’Day from down under rach1990

When chickens are moulting the new pin feathers are very sensitive and touching them can hurt them; that may be why she pecked you. It is a good idea to keep handling to a minimum when they are moulting.

I have a hen who gets quite sulky when she moults, spending a lot of time in the coop away from her friends.

Moulting is hard on them sometimes.

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I have limited experience with a small flock for nearly 4 years - the others have more experience than I , but..........

It would seem that a painful experience would make the chicken run? Or could it be a chicken in molt can also be broody?

Broodiness is the only time I've had any of mine try to peck me.
Poor Meredith has about 30,000 needle like structures sticking out of her skin. (Well maybe not that many but she thinks she does). Chickens get grouchy when molting. The pin feathers poke them when they move, the molting chicken can't rest, can't dust bathe, can't preen themselves properly. Yep, I think I'd be a bit grumpy, too.

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