When one of our broodie bantams had an egg hatch (just the one), I moved her to in totally enclosed separate coop (as a couple of chicks had disappeared from the main coop - maybe a pine martin during the night). It seemed like a good idea, and the chick did well until yesterday it disappeared while out in the small run during the day. No idea what got it or how.
However, I returned the broodie last night to the main flock - there was a bit of pecking, and she fled away from the rest. I assumed that as an ex member of the flock they would settle down. However this morning I come to find that the flock has killed her.
Any thoughts what I did wrong, and any better way I could have done this (as I have an older hand reared chick to add to the flock soon)?
The flock is a mixed bag of 10 bantam and standard hens with 3 cockerels.
However, I returned the broodie last night to the main flock - there was a bit of pecking, and she fled away from the rest. I assumed that as an ex member of the flock they would settle down. However this morning I come to find that the flock has killed her.
Any thoughts what I did wrong, and any better way I could have done this (as I have an older hand reared chick to add to the flock soon)?
The flock is a mixed bag of 10 bantam and standard hens with 3 cockerels.