Aggressive Rooster

Hi everyone! I know this has been asked before but I have tried all the suggestions and I am at a loss as to how to proceed. I have a year old splash blue maran rooster who is constantly attacking me. I’ve picked him up and carried him around for hours. I’ve pinned him to the ground until he stops fighting. I’ve given him treats. He still attacks me as soon as my back is turned. Especially when I’m carrying food or get in storage where he knows their food is. I’m not going to cull him but I don’t know if there’s something I’m missing. I’m open to any suggestions. Will he calm down with age? So far he’s gotten worse
It reads like it's food related behaviour.
A change in how you feed him and his hens may give results.
This article may give you some ideas.
He’s only been like this for 4 months but it’s escalated. I don’t understand it. He comes when I call. They’re free ranging 80% of the day. They have a good life
Having an aggressive rooster is really a pain. I don't know of you've already heard this, but this is my advice. In the flock of chickens there is a strict pecking order. With a pecking order established, you become a trespasser and the rooster will feel the need to let you know who's on top and who's boss, and challenge you to that fact. Even hand raised roosters turn out like that sometimes. In your rooster's world, the first to run away, walk away, hide, or turn his back is showimg surrender. What you want to show your rooster is that you don't want his job, but you're still the boss of him. When he attacks you, raise your arms and flap them around. This will make you look bigger and more fierce. Take a few steps or run towards him. But do not turn around or start running in thr opposite direction. The more you do that, the more he knows who's in charge and it'll be harder for you in the long run. Be prepared to stand and stare at him, maybe even chase him. You'll know when he submits to you by his behaviors: avoiding eye contact, scratching around at the ground, and even walking away. Depending on how aggresive he's become, you may have to repeat this challenge several times. And if he's learned how to use his spurs, then be prepared to hit him with a bucket, branch, or your boot. Once your dominance is established, he'll respect you. You may have to remind him every so often with a stomp and a stare. I hope this helps! Let me know how it works out for you!
I wouldn’t do that to anyone else. I’m just unsure of what to do myself. Especially after trying everything. I don’t like being afraid of my animals. It seems like everyone else (at least what I’ve read) people are able to break this behavior. Just didn’t know if it’s an age thing or this is just him and I have to live with it
Chicken keeping should not include having to watch one's back all the time. Nasty roosters are quite common, so don't think that all the other owners have "mastered" theirs.

With human aggressive behaviours going on for so many months despite you having tried "everything", I doubt that you will be able to change him. By now he will know that you are afraid of him and his confidence feeds off of your fear.

You can try to just walk through him every time he comes at you and don't allow him to come near you or invade your personal space. Don't call him!
Chicken keeping should not include having to watch one's back all the time. Nasty roosters are quite common, so don't think that all the other owners have "mastered" theirs.

With human aggressive behaviours going on for so many months despite you having tried "everything", I doubt that you will be able to change him. By now he will know that you are afraid of him and his confidence feeds off of your fear.

You can try to just walk through him every time he comes at you and don't allow him to come near you or invade your personal space. Don't call him!
Ok. I will refrain from calling him. I try never to show my fear but he definitely thinks he’s going to get me to submit one day

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