Aggressive toward a particular breed?


11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
New Hampshire
I have a mixed flock of laying hens that are 12 weeks old now. The flock is made up of 3 BR, 3 BO's, 2 BA's, 4 Wyandottes, 3 Danish Brown Leghorns and 2 EE's.

George, my rooster is now separated from the flock b/c the girls pulled all of his tail feathers and made his pope's nose look like hamburger. So now I noticed that the EE pullet, Lucile has feathers missing from her back.

I am familiar with the flock creating a pecking order but I thought EE's were fairly confident birds - Is it just coincidence that it is the EE's getting picked on?
She is probably the last in the pecking order. My lowest one gets feathers pulled from her back too. Poor thing.

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