I ordered and picked up 3 chicks 2 weeks ago (BA, BR, Welsummer). They were a day old or nearly. The next day, I went to a different feed store to get an EE to complete my 4 hen plan. The feed store only had EEs that were 1 1/2 week old and it was crowded conditions for the chicks. As I realized when I was driving home, this EE chick has been stressed it's whole 10 days of life and it is bigger than the other chicks, so there may be some problems. Sometimes it is peaceful in the brooder and I am hopeful, but other times she is flying around and at and on the other chicks. The Welsummer stays out of the mix, but the BR and the BA stand up to her and flap or fight back.
If the other chicks stand up to the EE, does that mean they are still figuring out their pecking order? For the moment, I put her in chicken jail just to give the other chicks a break.
If the other chicks stand up to the EE, does that mean they are still figuring out their pecking order? For the moment, I put her in chicken jail just to give the other chicks a break.