Agressive breeds

Silver Spangled Hamburgs are the meanest chickens. I had one rooster and he always attacked everyone. No matter what anyone did he would still attack. I was completely terrified of that chicken. We ended up giving him away for free. The only thing I did like about him was that when we had him he was beautiful.... for a hatchery bird. BTW I never had him with other birds.
We've always kept RIRs and never had a mean one in all those years~actually, most of them were quite sweet and had great personalities. I think most of the information you will get will be purely anecdotal and more likely from brief exposure to this breed or that one. Everyone also says Leghorns are flighty but I've never seen this and have kept that breed a lot as well.

The only breed I've seen that is consistently bad tempered, no matter what flock I've had them in is Wyandottes. Never really met one that was a nice bird to flock mates or humans...but I've only had three flocks that contained the Wyandottes and they didn't stay long, if you know what I mean. Mean birds make the best soup!

Wyandottes, however, are great for training dogs off chickens....
Bee, you sure are right about the Wyandotte's and training the dogs. When we had little Sophie, I put her in with the chickens when they were pullets, and we did not know Owl was a Roo yet. They thought she was a chicken, and treated her as such.When we got the puppies, they were introduced to the chickens in Feb. And Owl was very good about keeping them in their place, and giving a peck or two when they were being too nosy.

We did have a couple "Come To Jesus Meetings" and we came to an understanding.

The meanest Roo we had & just got rid of after a month, was a Little Red Bantam, he was pretty, but had that I'm a big chicken attitude. He even knocked Owl off his post as "Head Roo", This little roo would chase Owl across the yard & Owl never fought back.. But Owl will go toe to toe with my silkie roo, who is the same size as the Bantam we got rid of.
Rhode Island Reds nasty chickens, they pick on one, when you remove it they pick on someone else. Always have to have someone to pick on. They were my first ones also. Now I have nice chickens, really nice chickens. The gentlest I have ever had are Buff Orphingtons, then Black Australorp's I am now an old lady and I can just reach down and pick up my chickens, even my rooster. Love them
Silver Sebrights can be mean if you don't get your bluff in on them at an early age. The Three Chickenteers (roosters) we have think they are "all that and a bag of chips'' as well as "God's gifts to any hen" try to flog me occasionally... as I'm walking away from them. I stop, turn around quickly and walk toward them as they are retreating with me asking them, "You want a piece of me? Not so brave now, huh?" They tuck tail feathers and run.


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