agway brand layer crumble anyone use it and how is it

Didn't know they had their own? We feed Blue Seal
I have tried both Agway and Blue Seal but now I just use Poulin. Poulin is not only priced a bit lower but I find my egg production and egg quality is better.
Used Agway starter since the that was carried by the farm where I bought the chicks. I usually buy by layer pellets from Agway store but the brand name is Southern State. No problem with either.
I am contemplating switching to Poulin, glad to hear it works good for you.
I like the fact that Blue Seal is a local company but Poulin is pretty local also, Vermont I believe? We have to go out of our way to get the Blue Seal and I've done so because I do like the points program. But I'm thinking it's not worth it anymore, the people at the Blue Seal store I go to are very unfriendly and I feel like I am bothering them every time I want to buy something, it's discouraging. Also I've contacted the company with simple questions regarding switching to their organic layer and they never respond- kind of frustrating. Don't think I want to support a company like that any longer
Customer service say's a lot to me.

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