ah ha!!!!!!!!!!!!


12 Years
Jul 31, 2007
I got one! my white black tailed japs are laying! now what do I do with the tiny little egg? she is not sitting on it can i give it to an older hen?
if your older hen is broody. if it is too little to eat you can save it by letting it dry out. i hear they are cute decorations.
well IDK if she is or not I put the egg in with her an she sat on it right away so maybe?
Well, after they lay an egg they will sit around for awhile sometimes to enjoy their egg. But personally I don't bother trying to hatch pullet eggs. They are too small and if a chick did form, it might not be strong enough since the egg is so small.
A pullet is a first time layer(young hen). Thier eggs are smaller at first..then get larger with time. Most people do not hatch them out due to size. It is also likely they will not be fertile.
My Old English Bantams lay tiny eggs, too. Here are some of the things I do with them since I get so many:

Let the hens collect till they go broody, let them raise the babies for me to sell to help meet expenses

Hatch them in the bator to raise to sell

Collect them and when I have a lot cook them and feed them to the birds

Collect them and cook them for ourselves so I have more regular sized eggs to sell

Sell them for half price (or less).
ya i do have one but i have no idea how to get the pics on here. how long can i have the egg in the nest till it is bad?

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