Ahgressive goose

It's such a shame you have to lock your geese up so the renters? can let their dogs have run of your property. We have renters down the road from us [not our property] that thankfully do not let their dogs run loose because some of my chickens fly over their fences. It's bad enough to have to worry about wild predators without having to worry about roaming dogs too.
Keep us updated on how things go with your gander.
Babies!! always such a delight. CBD is wonderful advice. I will try some on my gander next breeding season.
Just a side note. If your female hatches goslings you can expect your gander to go into protective mode. This though is natural. They make such wonderful parents.
Be sure to keep us updated.
She caught us out completely, she laid an egg. The problem is we prepare a nesting box for her and she in it through the past two weeks. Problem is, that is not where she laid the egg! I attach a photo. We dis not make it there because there is a palm tree throwing off lots of seed

As she sat in the other can a take the grass etc in it and add to her nest? She smell will be familiar.
You can try moving the egg over to where you want her to lay but they really aren't that easy to persuade. They like privacy so maybe make her a nice nesting box for where you want her. I'd make a top and sides and half front so she has privacy.
My goose laid her first two eggs outside. I moved her eggs into a "dogloo" filled with timothy grass and alfala hay. The dogloo was placed inside their nighttime enclosure. She initially tried to rebuild her outdoor nest and I ended up filling it with bricks and concrete chunks. She then accepted the new nest.

My gander was an absolute monster during breeding season. He almost killed my other gander. He bloodied my hands. Picking him up and holding him so he couldn't move was what finally "broke" him. He always retained his breeding season "nastiness" but eventually learned that I was the "top goose". I also think that anytime you pull back or away from a goose's threats or bluffs, it makes them realize that their behavior is "effective" and it reinforces said behavior. Be patient, never give up and NEVER let him win. He'll give up at the very least.

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