AHHH his poo!



Apr 5, 2021
hamilton MT
My Coop
My Coop
What could be wrong!?
First of all, get him checked for coccidia and worms. How is he feeling? Is he depressed, not eating, or does he act normal? Does he have a fever? How is his breathing? Pull down the lower eyelid and check the color. It should be a bright pink. If it is a pale pink or white, that means he is anemic. The most common cause of anemia is internal parasites.​

He may just have some indigestion and in that case he will be better in a day or two. If he isn't better, if he was my goat I would get some of those sulfa scour pills and try those. In any event, do get him checked for coccidia and parasites.
First of all, get him checked for coccidia and worms. How is he feeling? Is he depressed, not eating, or does he act normal? Does he have a fever? How is his breathing? Pull down the lower eyelid and check the color. It should be a bright pink. If it is a pale pink or white, that means he is anemic. The most common cause of anemia is internal parasites.​

He may just have some indigestion and in that case he will be better in a day or two. If he isn't better, if he was my goat I would get some of those sulfa scour pills and try those. In any event, do get him checked for coccidia and parasites.
he was ecting like he was in a daze all day yesterday and this morning. he doesnt seem depresed the isnt eating, how do i check for a fever? i will check the ey lid in a sec.

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