AHHHH, My 5 yr old lost his first tooth,


12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
And he cant remember it happening!!!
We were at the dentist about 3 months ago and when he came out with a good report he also informed me he had 2 loose teeth... I explained the toothfairy to him and thought he had the concept of tooth for money down. He was sooooo excited. Well last night he is in the bathroom on the potty and yells "Mom, come here..." Ok my son loves to play with stuff while sitting there so I figured he had dropped the T-paper, something along that line. I told him to get off the pot and he yelled back I think I lost a tooth.. That got the hubby and my attention quick. We ran in and he showed us the little hole where the tooth used to be. No blood, nothing but a tiny little bump where the new tooth is coming in. HE DOESNT REMEMBER IT FALLING OUT!!!!
That is the best part of tooth fairies is getting that first lost tooth. Well, this one is really lost!!! We sat down and wrote the toothfairy a note explaining that the tooth was lost. She was nice enough to come anyway and gave him $2.00...LOL I sure hope he pays a little more attention with the next one.
Shhhh.....don't tell my kids that your tooth fairy leaves $2?

Gee, that's inflation!! Our toothfairy only leaves 50 cents...

My 5 yr old just lost his first tooth also a week or so ago.

My baby is growing up!!! WAHHHHHH!!!
My 6 and a half year old just lost her first tooth, about 2 weeks ago. She's my last kid (I have 4 daughters). I almost cried! No more 1st teeth that are wiggly! Awwwwww.....

he he he .. that reminds me of my first ever lost tooth experience.. my oldest son.. He swallowed it at lunch in the caf at school. His kindergarden teacher sent home a nice note.. we took a picture of him smiling with his tooth hole for the scrapbook.
My son lost his first at school this year. He was also in the bathroom. But he had it fall out in his hand because he was wiggling it in the mirror! He screamed for his teacher who came running and said something like, "I can't lose it, my mom will kill me!" Wonder what I said to make him think that!
in our house the first upper and the first lower tooth lost run 5$ each after that every other tooth 1$ or a coupon for ice cream or similar.. but instead of the 5$ for the first bootom tooth of my DD the fairy left a Hannah Montana shirt under the pillow,
My neighbor's kid is the same age, and he swallowed his tooth while eating a sub sandwhich. His dad was joking with him that it was going to chew up his stomach now. He thought that was hilarious.
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My 6 1/2 year old daughter had to have her 1st tooth pulled by the dentist b/c the adult tooth was coming up behind it and the one beside it. She had been bummed b/c she hadn't lost any teeth yet. So off to the dentist we go to have 2 teeth pulled (the one that needed to come out and the one beside it b/c there wasn't any room). She was such a trooper! Well morning came and here she comes MAD! The tooth fairy didn't come. I had totally spaced out and had forgotten. I had to tell her that it was my fault, that I had forgotten to "call" the tooth fairy. I had her put it back under her pillow before leaving for school and told her that I would call the tooth fairy to explain. Needless to say the tooth fairy came while she was at school. I have never felt like such a complete ASS before in my whole life. As she is my oldest you can bet I'll never forget ever again!

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