Air in chest?


7 Years
Feb 23, 2018
St. Robert MO
So my bronze turkey baby just passed. He stopped eating a drinking. Yesterday I kinda kept giving him electrolytes by dropping by his beak and some mashed up food with it. He just passed and has this huge bubble pertuding out his chest (not his crop)
That may be a leaking air sac (subcutaneous emphysema.) That can happen from a bumb or injury to the chest, neck, and elesewhere, or from an infection. If you need to get a diagnosis, you cannget a necropsy by your state poultry vet if you keep the body chilled inna cooler. Very sorry for your loss.
That may be a leaking air sac (subcutaneous emphysema.) That can happen from a bumb or injury to the chest, neck, and elesewhere, or from an infection. If you need to get a diagnosis, you cannget a necropsy by your state poultry vet if you keep the body chilled inna cooler. Very sorry for your loss.
It had been injured from running into the fence, but had been on the wings
There are air sacs throughout the body that are linked together that can be injured. The wings are hollow and full of air. Here is a diagram of the air sacs:

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