AIR SPACE ON BOTH ENDS? Incubation Question..


Whispers Loudly
10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Lincoln, Nebraska
I was candling the eggs today, and 2 of them have blood rings. (Oh well)

The rest are veining very obviously (Its day 8) but they seem to have an air sack on both ends.
It may not be an airsack, but something that the light easily passes through, (Maybe the yolk?)
Any ideas on if it is the yolk or what is happening?

This is my first time hatching, and I am really excited!!

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What day are they on? In the early part of incubation, the developing part of the egg will look darker. You should see a clear 'line' where the air cell is, then the middle will be dark, then the egg is light on the 'bottom', or small end. I had some pics in facebook of some 7 day old eggs, I'll see if I still have them. But they'd look like that until at least day 10-ish, probably longer, depending on how you candle.

ETA: Apparently I've dumped those pictures, but I'm pretty sure that's what you're seeing. Unless they are on day 14-18, then they are probably quitters.
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You can kind of see the light space on the side opposite the air sac.

It looks kind of like this one, only more obvious.

(I was looking at that thread earlier, and it is GREAT!!)
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Candle when you set the eggs to see where the air sac is.

Candle at day 7 to see if anything is growing.

Candle at day 18 to remove anything that is obviously not growing.

Then Close up the bator and don't open till day 22 no matter how hard it is.
Opening this thread back up.... I'm getting ready to go into lockdown and I have some eggs that look like the one above with the obvious air sac and then some space at the opposite end as well... Are these quitters? Some have veining that I can tell. Barnyard mix light brown eggs and some isbar (mossy green-ish) eggs.

Are you candling down into the egg from the fat (air cell end) or are you candling up from the bottom? When you candle the eggs from the bottom, it highlights any albumen and empty space in the egg. That picture is a normal egg. Air cell on top, shadowing of yolk in middle and clear albumen at bottom. By lockdown most all the egg from air cell down should be dark with no light passing through. If I was seeing much lightness at the bottom I would be worrying that either my temps are low and development is behind or that my humidity is high and the egg hasn't lost enough moisture or both.
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You didn't say what day the eggs are on??

The egg in that pic is just as silkiechicken and I both said, it is just an early egg (that you probably shouldn't be candling at this stage anyway
) in which the chick is not taking up all the space.

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