Traditionally, they are great layers. These particular birds are breeder stock which means that they have been bred more for show than eggs. With that said, they were laying well during the spring hatch season this year and I hatched thirty or forty chicks from two hens between January and March. There were three (cock and two hens) when I bought them in Ohio from a breeder from Minnesota. One of the hens was taken by a coyote but the other and the cock are coming three. There are two young ones and at least one is a pullet (maybe two) that is less than a year old. She will be laying any day, if she's not, already. I have since put them in with my layer flock and can't tell you how/if they are laying currently because I just collect eggs from the nest boxes and pay little attention to who is and who isn't. My overall egg production is down due to molt and heat. If you are interested, call me. Once you see them, you will want them, right, Dragonfly216?
Tomtom: hatching dragonflies? Seriously?

Yessir. Kids had a pool that frogs spawned in... I figured I'd let them become frogs. Then bees came drinking daily (there's a dozen or so drinking at any given time). And then the dragonflies moved in

That's the nymphs exoskeleton..

And the dragonfly unfolding it's wings.

I'd prefer Australorpes, or maybe Rhode Islands. Need a breed that is a good layer for most of the year.

Not sure if you have had Australorps before.. they tend to have a little issue with our climate. Mine are always the first to start panting and looking iffy when it gets hot 'n humid.

I've had great success with plymouth rocks, they're very faithful layers year long. The whites and barred are my favorites. The partridge rocks seem to have attitude issues, perhaps something that happened during the breeding to get their particular coloring. I've got a few 'production reds' which is basically a knock-off Rhode Island Red bred for quantity. They're good layers, don't eat too much, but they come with big attitudes (something I hear from others too).. not much meat on their bones, something to keep in mind if you are looking for dual purpose.
I have a chicken itch.

My flock doesn't look right anymore.. too small.
I'm down to 16 chickens! It's not right.

Worst of all, they're all black, black and white or white. BOOOORING. I've got 2 black Aussies, 3 black Jersey giants, 1 black easter egger, 2 black aussie x marans *yawn* 2 white rocks, 2 barred rocks, 1 splash Marans (white/light grey/splotchey) and then a RIR, orange splash Marans and the partridge rock. (Ok, ok, I got one RIR, an orange Marans and a partridge rock, but that leaves 13 black&white birds)

And my ducks are B&W too. What. The. Heck.

I need some fun birds

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