Wisher does it again

Are you planning on taking over the state? A Wisher bird for every home!

A Wisher bird? A bird? Why would I limit myself to one?

I have a chicken itch.

My flock doesn't look right anymore.. too small.
I'm down to 16 chickens! It's not right.

Worst of all, they're all black, black and white or white. BOOOORING. I've got 2 black Aussies, 3 black Jersey giants, 1 black easter egger, 2 black aussie x marans *yawn* 2 white rocks, 2 barred rocks, 1 splash Marans (white/light grey/splotchey) and then a RIR, orange splash Marans and the partridge rock. (Ok, ok, I got one RIR, an orange Marans and a partridge rock, but that leaves 13 black&white birds)

And my ducks are B&W too. What. The. Heck.

I need some fun birds
YOU don't have any Wisher birds, do you now?
How about you wait until spring and let me hatch you some gold EEs? I will hatch some of my own blue eggs just for you if you will agree to take the whole set (you can decide the number I start with.) I also have three or four EE chicks that are about three or four weeks old that I would be willing to part with if you want to fool with chicks this time of year.
not so many in the last few years since security has tighten down everything, but years back we could drive around the campgrounds and the track, and thats where the crazy stories were happening...
Well, I got me some chicks for my broody, they are now newborns, but she accepted them with no problem, I'm not sure if hens smell each other or not but I dusted mom with baby powder then did the chicks, that's what we do at the clinic when we want a mother to adopt someone elses litter. It worked she is out and about.
A Wisher bird? A bird? Why would I limit myself to one?

YOU don't have any Wisher birds, do you now?
How about you wait until spring and let me hatch you some gold EEs? I will hatch some of my own blue eggs just for you if you will agree to take the whole set (you can decide the number I start with.) I also have three or four EE chicks that are about three or four weeks old that I would be willing to part with if you want to fool with chicks this time of year.

wisher bird. See?

Show me the chicks? I still got two running around that are 8 weeks old, so it's not really an issue
Evidently, someone is!

I hope you enjoy your two new girls, one Olive Egger (F1) and one pretty little Easter Egger.

Remember, you promised pics and updates! It was nice meeting the both of you!

They seem to like the coop. Going to have to get a better watering system and buy some more feed this afternoon.

Wisher does it again

Are you planning on taking over the state? A Wisher bird for every home!
I still don't have one. :lol:
Well, I got me some chicks for my broody, they are now newborns, but she accepted them with no problem, I'm not sure if hens smell each other or not but I dusted mom with baby powder then did the chicks, that's what we do at the clinic when we want a mother to adopt someone elses litter. It worked she is out and about.
Most nonraptor birds either don't have a sense of smell or don't have a great sense of smell. I don't know what the inside of chicken's nostrils look like, so I couldn't tell you which one it is.
You may have seen this before but I thought this thread on a homemade egg candler was neat :)

I know I haven't posted on here in FOREVER but I do read occasionally. I found Tomtommom on FB the other day and thought I might put a quick update here.

I culled my 6 roosters a few months ago and my girls seemed happier to have those mean guys gone but then I lost our favorite EE to being egg bound :( 17 Chicks just didn't seem like enough any more after that and with my husband selling eggs at work we never had any left for us at the house. I have a broody BO right now, our first broody so a perfect chance to get more chicks since my husband said they could never be in the house again and we do not have a garage or basement
He wanted me to wait on ordering until we had Betty the BO settled in her broody pen so when I went to order... they were sold out for this week. I feel sorry for her that her golf balls aren't going to hatch and hope she can hold out for another week. LOL
not so many in the last few years since security has tighten down everything, but years back we could drive around the campgrounds and the track, and thats where the crazy stories were happening...

I will never will forget the first time my husband and I took our son (this was years ago, he was 9 at the time) to see the Spring race. We tailgated after the race waiting for the parking lot to clear out and our son got quite an "education" that day!
He asked all sorts of interesting questions on the ride home. lol
Traditionally, they are great layers.  These particular birds are breeder stock which means that they have been bred more for show than eggs.  With that said, they were laying well during the spring hatch season this year and I hatched thirty or forty chicks from two hens between January and March. There were three (cock and two hens) when I bought them in Ohio from a breeder from Minnesota. One of the hens was taken by a coyote but the other and the cock are coming three.  There are two young ones and at least one is a pullet (maybe two) that is less than a year old.  She will be laying any day, if she's not, already.  I have since put them in with my layer flock and can't tell you how/if they are laying currently because I just collect eggs from the nest boxes and pay little attention to who is and who isn't.  My overall egg production is down due to molt and heat.  If you are interested, call me.  Once you see them, you will want them, right, Dragonfly216?

Ohmigoodness, YES! My birds that I got from you are HUGE AND BEAUTIFUL! I need to get some more girls from ya for real. I have what is probably going to be a blue roo that I would LOVE to put against some of your beautiful girls. Not only are they gorgeous, but they are really healthy too! That roo daddy is GIGANTIC! I highly recommend Wishers birds! Love her Easter Eggers too, my two hens from her are my favorites!

Edited to add: I'm still very interested in buying a couple of SC pullets in the spring when you have them ready too! Please put me on the list! :-D
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I still don't have one.

Most nonraptor birds either don't have a sense of smell or don't have a great sense of smell. I don't know what the inside of chicken's nostrils look like, so I couldn't tell you which one it is.

I don't have one either but may break down one day because I keep eyeing her orps

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