word to the wise.... be careful selling them for human consumption unless you have a permit. If you don't have a permit, you aren't legally supposed to sell them at farmer's markets, grocers, to general people, etc. They will find you....

with that said, I sell mine for $2 to $3 per dozen to family friends. Or, I barter for things like fresh bread, honey or whatever.
Where are you located?
Here's some info about selling eggs in Alabama...
Code of Alabama - Title 2: Agriculture - Chapter 12 - Eggs

The whole Chapter has a bit of fogginess to it. To me it seems that an individual selling their own eggs to consumers may be ok.

A $5 permit doesn't sound bad....but there's also other hoops to jump throughwhen you're on the government's permit/tax/regulatory/inspection/health/etc map.

Best wishes,
word to the wise.... be careful selling them for human consumption unless you have a permit. If you don't have a permit, you aren't legally supposed to sell them at farmer's markets, grocers, to general people, etc. They will find you....

with that said, I sell mine for $2 to $3 per dozen to family friends. Or, I barter for things like fresh bread, honey or whatever.
Where are you located?

Thanks for the information, I didn't know I could get in trouble for selling eggs. I am selling a few to friends for $1.25/doz., I think I should be ok doing that. If I start getting a lot more than I can use and sell to friends I will get a permit. I live about 25 miles south of Birmingham Al.
Thanks ITS. You are right, the Code on selling eggs is difficult to understand. I think I should be ok selling to friends so i'll just continue doing that unless I start getting more than I can sell that way. If I do i'll check into getting a permit. Thank you for the information.
would anyone be interested in some white silkies,I have a friend who wants to sell all his,7 -11,or so-in Morgan Co. that`s in north Al. not sure of price but sounds like he is desperate
Figure I'd wander in here and say hello!

I'm in SE AL, about 45 minutes outside of Dothan. Originally from Hunstville, still have friends and family up there. Howdy BYC Alabama folks!
word to the wise.... be careful selling them for human consumption unless you have a permit. If you don't have a permit, you aren't legally supposed to sell them at farmer's markets, grocers, to general people, etc. They will find you....

with that said, I sell mine for $2 to $3 per dozen to family friends. Or, I barter for things like fresh bread, honey or whatever.
Where are you located?

To set this straight.... it is very much legal in Alabama to sell your poultry eggs from your home for consumption, and with certain guidelines you may sell at Farmer's Markets.

From the website of the Alabama Farmer's Market Authority:

Yes, the gentlemen from the Authority do come to each Market several times a year to inspect, but they are always excited to see how well the eggs as a farmer's product sells to the public. Eggs are a very, VERY sought after product from consumers. I have never brought eggs home from a day at the Market, in fact, selling out within the first hour. Simply display a few cartons and have the others cooling in a cooler to replinish your display.

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