Ok, I just have to share some happy news. I just candled the eggs in the incubator and most of them are growing. I have three that were questionable but I left them just in case. O happy day! And to boot, I came out to the barn and found my silkie hen is broody. I knew she was getting close and today she became very upset when I checked under her. I may let her raise some of the babies.... She is in with only one other hen and an older Rooster who is very very tolerant of babies. I will give her a couple more days to make dead sure but then.... These eggs will be Valentine babies....
Awesome!! I just gave away another 2 dozen yesterday. We'll have Dorkings all over the state!!
ard.. the dogs like to eat their food, and they're not happy the ducks bathe in their water bowl
but they get along. The ducks have moved into their dog house (there's two, one big wooden one and a Dogloo.. the ducks decided they liked the wooden one best and made the dogs move into the Dogloo). They've been enjoying their grazing space and room to walk and stretch their wings. The drake is definitely putting on the moves and the ladies look ready to lay, they've been making hay circles.

Any eggs?? Hay circles mean EGGS!
Sheesh Wisher-- what'd you do to those eggs??

Well, she does have a lot of SONS too..

Any eggs?? Hay circles mean EGGS!

I think they were not quite comfortable yet, since I found it a day after they moved into that area, I need to check again. The circle I found was in the dog house. I could tell she had put effort in it too.

Yesterday morning all four were doing the head back and forth thing to eachother and chirping. Things are heating up
Oh, I came on to share pictures! Silly me. I took many pictures, but well, they're not very willing to hold still and pose

This fellah is the leader. He actually stole my camera when I put it down to catch another bird. Grabbed the strap and took off

My favorite. Pretty sure she's a pullet. Not many roosters would accept being carried like this. Zip tie came off today.

So pretty. And all boys

Hopefully a pullet

I think the ducked down one is a pullet.

Submit your guesses by 3/1/2015, winner gets a free cockerel.
We currently are in a situation where the DD and hers were going to move in. We're older and I told them we're most likely going to leave them the house. He does construction so he could make some changes. Too we hope to travel part of the year.

BUT they have their dream of moving out even farther than we are. Planning on an inlaw apartment. I know they love us and we love them.

But that is not our dream. It's just to cold and snowy. Our church is here and we've friends there we've had for nearly 40 years. I volunteer at the school once or twice a week or at least I did before DW got sick.

I was thinking of my mother being dumped with eight kids and wonder how it was for her to watch her dream slip away as she aged. I understand her much better now. Plus she didn't have the Lord to guide her.

Everyone has their dream. Parents, kids and so on. We are not all the Waltons unfortunately. I don't know if John grew up in the house he lived in. Some kids fly away and if you're lucky one stays and embraces your dream or modifies it to an acceptable level.

I just don't see my SIL building anything. I can't see it happening. They're always short, because of his career choice. Construction is a seasonal thing here. I've talked to them about moving to AL but his parents are here too. They're pains in the butt. Don't follow through on what they say their going to do types. So is my SIL and can't be counted on.

So Rad, if you don't plan to live with your parents for your entire life, make a plan on how that is going to change. Save money and give up some of your wants temporarily. Live frugal for awhile. Write it down and post it.

My dream is this and this is my plan on how I'm going to get there. You wouldn't plan a trip across the country without a map right? Your dream is your destination. Your map is how you plan to get there. (When I get there, I'll raise chickens, until then I'll have to wait)

1. ?


I'll be praying for you.
Raising chickens was supposed be be something dad and I did together, but it hasn't worked out that way.

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