My problem is that my chickens are not friendly with us because we have never been able to let them out and pet and play with them. They are very skittish around us. Would probably get flogged to death if I tried putting something like a harness on them,
Did you use it to walk him around? 
Do you have a problem with predators?

We do have a big problem with predators and I have not used a leash. Mine are only 6 weeks. I carry them to a 75-100 sq ft dog run for supervised free range.

When I raised ducks last year they loved all types of rain, they didn't care.
The old sayin' when it was raining. "It is a good day if your a Duck"! There is a reason for the saying. Mine have been out side since they were 2 weeks old and rarely use the shelter other than for shade.
Hey, guys...sorry to hijack the thread, just had a quick question...

Older hens can stay out in free range during light rain, correct? As long as they have shelter to go to?

Oh, and welcome!

Lately if they didn't go out in the rain they wouldn't go out. The broodies are taking the chicks out into the rain too since it is warm.
Lately if they didn't go out in the rain they wouldn't go out. The broodies are taking the chicks out into the rain too since it is warm. 

Lol. My poor birds live outside right now. They are in a pin with covers and roosts but man the mud.... I can't wait to get the final touches on the coop. Once it's done we will lay down some grass and clover seeds in the mud run and fence off the new run area. Wish us luck.
I got the 10 quail in Decatur, I built a new Varmint proof quail hutch this time, although I still have to put the wire on the doors then it's finished and can move the 10 quail into it tomorrow. After I get them in there I will see how much room is left to see how many more I can add to it. I'm supposed to meet a quail guy next weekend to get 12 quail from (arranged this before I found the 10 I got) but pretty sure I don't have room for another 12 in this hutch. The hutch I built is 2 feet deep by 4 feet long and 2 feet high.

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