Hello! I just wanted to say hi, I'll be moving to Huntsville area from Seattle area in about a month. Any suggestions for me?

I plan on bringing my existing flock with me as I just started up with them in June or so.
I don't know about the rest of you, but we had a wild morning here in Auburn. Looks like it's going to be a long night tonight, too. I hope everyone is staying safe and has their coops battened down!
Had a REALLY late night last night and then some excitement again this afternoon. Radar confirmed tornado passed just barely south of me and made for the campus at Auburn. I don't think it was on the ground at that point, but Opelika got some damage. I was very lucky with two near misses this weekend. It looks like things will calm down now, and that's good, because I'm getting delirious from lack of sleep.

On a more cheerful note, my fall chicks will be 17 weeks old tomorrow, and it looks like they're getting really close to laying. Their combs and wattles are starting to develop and turn red rapidly, especially on my Silver Laced Wyandotte. The Speckled Sussex isn't far behind her. I can't wait!

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