Hi there Julia,

DS and his live in Millbrook. We're supposed to visit this month but DW is dragging her feet on when she puts in for her time off from work.

anyhow have some of the breeds you like but can't say how they do in the heat there. Lord knows we don't have that problem here. Would trade some of the cold here for some heat there.

Do you know where the Saddle Rack is in Elkmont? They have chicks this time of year. just got RIR, Ameracunas, Buff Orpingtons (love them) and Cuckoo Marans! Ask for Mike, I know he has Leghorns too. This was a week ago, but check him out. I know Harvest Feed Store sells chicks, but usually only in the Spring/Summer. I'd stay away from Dog Day, ya never really know what your gonna get, we did and won't do it again!
Thanks Ceeceeholt. I'll check out your lead. I was planning to try Dog Days but with the rain I decided to wait. Then I saw a post that one of the vendors was treating some ducks pretty badly and wasn't very nice when challenged. Anyway, I think Elkmont is somewhere around here. I'll have to google it. I am really hoping to not start with baby chicks. Not sure if I can keep them alive. We'll see.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the info. I have left messages for all of them, hopefully one of them will have some left. If there is anyone else, I will try them also.
Hello from NW AL! I just added some white Sultans to my flock--2 roosters and a hen, although I'm giving the non-dominant roo to my neighbor--the other two won't let it in out of the run into the house to eat, and I feel sorry for it! But, they are very sweet and docile chickens and so pretty! My 6 year old can pick them up and pet all over them without fear of being pecked like some of our other old biddies running around, lol! Anyone else in Bama have sweet Sultans?

Oh, and a little brag--I just hatched out 18 chicks in my bator for a friend, and this is the first time I've ever had a perfect hatch! All 18 hatched and all were healthy! I was so excited, lol! It's the little things, I guess!

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