TSC in Fort Payne finally got chicks in. I went today and was sad to see the selection. White and brown Leghorns, cornish rock, partridge rock, white rock, about 15 mixed bantams and some ducks. I asked they guy "What happened? Why only rocks and leghorns? " He said their order got messed up and that is why they didnt get any chicks at all last week and they were lucky to get these. I might have a much easier time selling my wheaten marans, black copper marans, easter eggers, buff orps and rumpless aracauna when they hatch in two weeks if TSC doesnt get anything different. My chicks will be from hatching eggs I bought from other BYC'ers.
Hi Bama, and others. I talked to a lady today who said Fort Payne TSC had a limit of only 6 chicks per customer. Did you see anything that would cause you to think this?
Uhh yeah, it is VERY slim pickins, and not very many. The guy even seemed to think that the ones they have now could possibly be the only ones they ever get because of their order being messed up.
Tomtom, we're not mad at you for pointing out what trashy people there can be here. We know that, they're probably our cousins!! LOL But for every one of those there are a hundred, or a thousand more awesome Alabama people. I think some of us who know better, get tired of hearing how (from outside sources) ignorant, uneducated, redneck, racist,,,,on and on, we are in Alabama.
Saw a saying the other day...."She broke up with me, but she said we could still be cousins"
Oh well then. Scottsboro TSC has some good looking. Red pullets and partarage rocks. As far as I know, no limit.

I bought 20 rir& bjg 2 weeks ago there. They are growing like weeds and doing well.
I actually HAVE double first cousins! My mom and her sister married my dad and his brother. It was very sweet. My dad fell in love with his sister-in-law's little sister when he came home from the war.
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OT for a minute. What is wonky with editing posts? Is it just mine? I tried to go back and make my last post in my prefered size and color, but it is not the same tool bar and the size thingy is not in points, it says "1-miniscule, 2-small, 3-normal, 4-large.... or something like that. I never change the font when I post from my phone, it's just too much trouble, but I have never seen this when I try to go back and edit it. Anyone else seeing the change?

Okay that last time, it gave me the option of editing in rich text instead of basic format. I have never seen it do that before.......but I changed it.

Sorry, now back to your regularly scheduled chat.....
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