I don't know-but Ho Ho Ho

I remember the Ice Storm pretty well Mar. 2nd 1960 no electricity for 21 days no mail service for I think 14 days

I missed the most of the Blizzard of 93 though -was working out of town-that was March 12 or 13 I think
Wrap those sulmtalers up well if we do get a blizzard! I am expecting my hatching eggs to be sent in a week or two, her hens are not cooperating right now.
I have 15 of them in the incubator now. It is sitting in the living room with me, and a generator just outside the door in case of a loss of power!!
I was
I don't know-but Ho Ho Ho

I remember the Ice Storm pretty well Mar. 2nd 1960 no electricity for 21 days no mail service for I think 14 days

I missed the most of the Blizzard of 93 though -was working out of town-that was March 12 or 13 I think

I was without power for 3 weeks for the 93. Wood heat is a life saver.
Thanks for all the info y'all!

I eat a lot of chicken, sadly I really can't afford to worry about the conditions they're raised in.. I can only buy it if it's on sale (and then you get those nasty chicken legs that look like they belong to an emu..) Same for organic or local veggies. Heck, we're lucky if we get something that didn't come out of a can or the freezer section. But I like to think I will be moving in the right direction, growing some more of our own..

It's all worth it though. Rather eat ramen noodles for dinner than never be home with my family, like I used to.
I was
I was without power for 3 weeks for the 93. Wood heat is a life saver.
We had NO heat for 3 weeks. It was awful ! Ate stuff straight out of the can, wore layers and layers of clothes to stay warm. The week without power when the tornados hit year before last was not nearly as bad. We grilled out and sat on the porch. Rather be roughing it in the heat than in the cold.
Not me. I had wood heat, gas hot water and stove and even though power was out for almost a week, I didn't lose my food in the fridge. We just put it outside in a cooler with snow. In the warm weather without ice you lose it all. All that hard work in the freezer. I would be heartbroken.

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