I agree to a point but it is also about biosecurity. I know that if I were raising a large number of birds for resale (eggs, chicks, meat, whatever) I wouldn't want anyone just walking around. You never know what they may have on their shoes etc that is not a problem in your flock.

I know about the biosecurity aspect and I agree -- a lot of this came up after some of the Homeland Security Act was initiated

I just wonder about security though when a large percentage of the employees are undocumented illegal workers, who are responsible for the increase in diseases (tuberculosis, pertussis, and polio and others) that had been virtually wiped out in the United States until the past few years
I agree. I do not like it even a bit. We have a good amount around here and the trucks drive by and my blood boils. I am a vegetarian as well so suppose I am even worse than most.
Hold on a minute, so you're telling us that broilers are being raised in an inhumane way. Ok, it typically takes an averageof 6 weeks(I think that's right) to raise a broiler to size. The birds are housed in a huge heated building, with lots of room to roam, not that they're going to move much anyway, fed well, watered, and kept healthy, because if that farmer loses chicks, they lose money. Ok, so we backyarders raise our babies in a heated brooder, good food, clean water,,,then put them in cozy little houses when they are fully feathered. sounds kind of the same to me.
And as for the biosecurity, there are some very bad poultry diseases that can wipe out a flock very quickly if that disease gets into it.
As for the illegal immigrants, I don't see any folks gettin' off welfare to go clean chicken poop, or work in the processing factories. Why should they, they make a better living on welfare than they would working in the poultry industry.
We demonize these farmers, but they are feeding the world.
Now egg laying barns, that's a different story, I agree that could be done differently. But there again, they are feeding the world, and agricultural land is getting more and more expensive every day, and harder for young farmers to get into farming, even if they did want to raise chickens they way we would like them to. Plus as a poultry farmer said about the smell,,,,,smells like money to him.
I like to eat chicken, and I won't demonize poultry farmers 'cuz I like a chicken mcnugget every once in a while.
Now, I'll get off MY soapbox.
Kowgurl - Don't hold back, tell us how you feel!

I have to admit, it is a sad existence for the meaties, but it is how they have been bred and is a result of supply and demand. If people (like me and Kowgurl) didn't eat storebought chicken, the only chickens raised would be backyard birds.

Do you think we will get much snow up here on Saturday. I was talking to my Dad today and he said the worst snow we got was on a March 3rd and the ice storm was on a March 4th.
[/quo. Wonder how far you all live from me? Snow flurries Fri and Sat. I am about 20 min from Cherokee and 45 from Florence. I am about 1.5 hrs from Memphis. Not had any kind of winter this year.
I don't know-but Ho Ho Ho

I remember the Ice Storm pretty well Mar. 2nd 1960 no electricity for 21 days no mail service for I think 14 days

I missed the most of the Blizzard of 93 though -was working out of town-that was March 12 or 13 I think
Your dad must be talking about the blizzard of 93, we got 4ft drifts and no power for 2 weeks. Door on the wind side was fully covered up and 3ft in the yard for a couple of days

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